Nowadays, it is very important to our health be able to use in homes, offices, meeting places, places of care or in environments where you spend most of the day lighting systems with precise intensity and hue of the light and with the emission of a specific amount of lumens.An adequate lighting system, in fact, can help people to live better. Research and studies worldwide have shown that the man spends most of his day indoors with an insufficient amount of light and shade that in almost all people can contribute to depression, fatigue, anxiety and weaken ' efficiency of the immune system.E 'was also noted that these problems are accentuated especially in autumn and winter due to the reduction in hours of light and time often rainy, cloudy or foggy.The goal of our app for Android smartphones is to make a portable lighting that can be a useful support for the health and well-being of exposed persons.The light source of primordial energy, through its refraction gives us the spectrum of primary colors, the colors of the rainbow.The idea that the color positively influences well-being, both physical and psychological, is as old as history itself of natural medicine. The ancient cultures of Egypt, Tibet, China and India knew the therapeutic use of the colors already in pre-Christian times.In the De Medicina of A.C. Celsus, who lived in the first century. AD, it is called plasters colored red for better wound healing, while Avicenna, a famous physician of Baghdad lived in the eleventh century, attributed to the color of great importance both for diagnosis and for treatment. In Europe, in the Middle Ages, the color has had the greatest importance in the medical journal of the French and the English courts: for example, in 1300 King Edward II of England was advised to dwell in a room in red to fight smallpox .The first color theory of the modern era is I. Newton, who in 1666 established the existence of the color spectrum made up of 7 basic colors (which are those of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet).The research of other scholars in the last century, have shown how the colors are light energy quantifiable and measurable wavelength (angstroms) and frequency (Hertz).Here, then, that the frequency of each color, such as flowers or crystals, can interact with the electromagnetic fields of the human body (as well as plants or animals), giving rise to the effects of energy balance.The main studies with light therapy have been carried out with an illuminance of 2500 to 3000 lux at eye level. Subsequent checks have shown that the therapeutic effect is not changed surpassing the 10,000 lux (keep in mind that during a sunny day, you can measure illuminance values between 50,000 and 100,000 lux).The light hitting the eye reaches the retina where it is converted into electrical impulses by millions of cells called photoreceptors.These impulses travel along the optic nerve and reach the brain where they stimulate the hypothalamus which in turn sends chemical messengers called neurotransmitters to regulate autonomic functions of the body.Every organ or set of organs, has its own specific vibration. when one of these parts is exposed to a colored irradiation occurs an absorption of electromagnetic waves, the frequency oscillatory different according to color, and the cells, composed of atoms, resonate with the vibrational frequencies of light waves recovering their balance.In particular, we have found important connections between light waves and endocrine glands. Some researchers have determined that the best way to get benefits from both color and exposure to sunlight as bare as possible (the sun contains the whole spectrum of colors) so that our body can absorb the colors you need, rejecting the other. Perhaps for this reason during the summer our mood changes radically for the better.How does color therapyThe chromotherapy is therefore a therapeutic method that uses different colors to ensure that the "vibration", can penetrate into the body at various depths causing biochemical changes in the cells and in the blood. What regulates chromotherapy is that the disease is an alteration of the specific vibration that characterizes the material.The human body is an electromagnetic-energy cluster in which the different parties "vibrate" in a harmonious energy while maintaining their identity. Every organ or set of organs, has its own specific vibration.When one of these parts is exposed to a colored irradiation occurs an absorption of electromagnetic waves, the frequency oscillatory different according to color, and the cells, composed of atoms, would come into vibratory resonance with the frequencies of the light waves recovering their balance. In particular, we have found important connections between light waves and endocrine glands.Some researchers have determined that the best way to get benefits from both color and exposure to sunlight as bare as possible (the sun contains the whole spectrum of colors) so that our body can absorb the colors you need, rejecting the other.Perhaps for this reason during the summer our mood changes radically for the better.The colors are sensory experiences, interacting with those unleashed by the other senses, creating feelings concomitant chain, known as synaesthesia. For example, watching a yellow acid activate the taste that brings us back to the sour taste and pungent smell of lemon or activate recalling his fresh and penetrating.The bright light (> 3000 lux) affects the circadian system of man. Decisive is how high is the power of the light that reaches the retina, albeit as recommended through indirect radiation. The density of the measured light directly to the eye (candela/m2 = cd/m2), a unit of measurement can be best to compare the clinical studies.

In particular:

the yellow gives energy to the digestive system and tone the muscles. It helps with eczema and stimulates the intellect, mental acts as anti-fatigue and anti-melancholy. to enhance red, green to relax.the green rests and strengthens eyesight, decreases blood pressure. Relieves insomnia and calms nervousness and anger.blue is antiseptic, astringent and refreshing. Donate help in case of asthma, of excess weight. Donate open mind and gives an effect of peace and tranquility.purple has good effects on sciatica, epilepsy, cramps and anemia. Reduces anxiety and fears.In the light of all these mechanisms briefly summarized, the sequelae chromotherapy have been studied, tested, and implemented to provide individually and holistically (with other therapies reference) the best effectiveness for programs available to the user's choice, meditation, sleep , relaxation and energy.The application is then a speaker of therapy, and can 'also be considered between the devices, equipment or equipment for the provision of emotional color therapy, spa therapy, color therapy with the specific meaning for meditation, color therapy for relaxation, color therapy for sleep, color therapy to awaken the senses and mental energy physics.

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